For more complex validation rules, the require the call to services or involve the setup of multiple attributes of the command object, you might want to add more complex tests.
package my.package import grails.test.mixin.TestMixin import grails.test.mixin.web.ControllerUnitTestMixin import spock.lang.Specification import spock.lang.Unroll /** * Created by hschoonjans on 14/09/2017. */
@TestMixin(ControllerUnitTestMixin) class extends Specification { @Unroll def "It fails to validate a bad value '#value' for the '#field' field"() { setup: def command = newInstance([(field): value]) expect: !command.validate([field]) where: field | value "someField" | "wrongValue" } @Unroll def "It validates a good value '#value' for the '#field' field"() { setup: def command = newInstance([(field): value]) expect: command.validate([field]) where: field | value "someField" | "goodValue" } private newInstance(Map params) { new } }